80 | End Of Second Half | It's all over! The referee has blown their whistle to end the game. |
79 | Penalty Goal - Missed Right | Cameron Millar has penalty kick attempt at goal but pushes it to the right hand side of the posts. |
77 | Substitution on | James Arscott comes on. |
77 | Substitution off | Folau Fakatava comes off. |
75 | Substitution on | Will Tucker comes on. |
75 | Substitution off | Mitchell Dunshea comes off. |
73 | Substitution on | Highlanders decide to make a substitution, with Solomone Tukuafu getting some game time. |
73 | Substitution off | Highlanders decide to make a substitution, with Saula Ma'u being replaced. |
72 | Substitution on | Western Force decide to make a substitution, with Feleti Kaitu'u getting some game time. |
72 | Substitution off | Western Force decide to make a substitution, with Tom Horton being replaced. |
72 | Substitution on | Highlanders decide to make a substitution, with Nikora Broughton getting some game time. |
72 | Substitution off | Highlanders decide to make a substitution, with Sean Withy being replaced. |
69 | Substitution on | Highlanders make a substitution with Dan Lienert-Brown coming on. |
69 | Substitution off | Highlanders make a substitution with Ethan de Groot coming off. |
67 | Clean Break | A gap opened in the defence and Jacob Ratumaitavuki-Kneepkens took full advantage. |
65 | Substitution on | Highlanders make a substitution with Martin Bogado coming on. |
65 | Substitution off | Highlanders make a substitution with Connor Garden-Bachop coming off. |
65 | Substitution on | Western Force make a substitution with Henry O'Donnell coming on. |
65 | Substitution off | Western Force make a substitution with Chase Tiatia coming off. |
65 | Substitution on | Western Force make a substitution with Issak Fines-Leleiwasa coming on. |
65 | Substitution off | Western Force make a substitution with Nic White coming off. |
63 | Substitution on | Western Force sub Tiaan Tauakipulu comes onto the field. |
63 | Substitution off | Santiago Medrano departs for Western Force. |
61 | Substitution on | Highlanders sub Jack Taylor comes onto the field. |
61 | Substitution off | Henry Bell departs for Highlanders. |
60 | Substitution on | Western Force sub Michael Wells comes onto the field. |
60 | Substitution off | Will Harris departs for Western Force. |
53 | Substitution on | Jeremy Williams comes on. |
53 | Substitution off | Sam Carter comes off. |
53 | Penalty Goal - Kicked | Ben Donaldson does the business as their penalty goal attempt goes over. |
50 | Penalty Goal - Missed Left | Ben Donaldson steps up to take the penalty but pulls it wide and to the left. |
47 | Substitution on | Western Force decide to make a substitution, with Josh Bartlett getting some game time. |
47 | Substitution off | Western Force decide to make a substitution, with Marley Pearce being replaced. |
47 | Conversion - Kicked | Cameron Millar adds the two points for Highlanders. |
46 | Try - Close range | The defence are desperately trying to hold out here but it was to no avail as Folau Fakatava dots the ball down from close range. |
42 | Clean Break | Connor Garden-Bachop makes the break as the defence re-enacts the parting of the red sea. |
40 | Start Of Second Half | The second half kicks off. |
39 | End Of First Half | The half-time whistle blows and both teams head for the dressing rooms. |
38 | Clean Break | Fabulous play by Highlanders has led to Timoci Tavatavanawai being able to wriggle through a gap. |
37 | Penalty Goal - Kicked | Ben Donaldson has kicked a penalty goal. |
23 | Substitution on | Highlanders decide to make a substitution, with Cameron Millar getting some game time. |
23 | Substitution off | Highlanders decide to make a substitution, with Rhys Patchell being replaced. |
13 | Clean Break | A gap opened in the defence and Nic White took full advantage. |
11 | Clean Break | A gap opened in the defence and Hamish Stewart took full advantage. |
8 | Clean Break | A gap opened in the defence and Tom Horton took full advantage. |
1 | Clean Break | The defensive line has been broken as Ben Donaldson goes through the gap. |
0 | Start Of First Half | We are underway as the referee blows their whistle. |