Super Rugby Pacific
NSW Waratahs vs Queensland Reds

NSW Waratahs
Queensland Reds
  • Time Fri, May 31, 2024, 9:35 AM
  • Location Allianz Stadium
  • Referee James Doleman
NSW Waratahs
NSW Waratahs
Queensland Reds
Queensland Reds
  • Pietsch70'
  • Bowen62'
  • Fonokalafi52'
  • Holloway45'
  • Paisami49'
  • Flook20'
  • McDermott18'
  • Uru5'
  • Bowen72'
  • Bowen63'
  • Bowen53'
  • Creighton19'
  • Creighton7'
    Penalty Goals
    • Lynagh74'
    NSW Waratahs
    NSW Waratahs
    Queensland Reds
    Queensland Reds
    28Defenders Beaten19
    6Clean Breaks6
    13Turnovers Conceded6
    19Missed Tackles28
    2Turnovers Won6
    20Kicks in Play25
    0/1Penalty Goals1/2
    N/ADrop GoalsN/A
    0Charged Down0
    670Kick From Hand Metres824
    12In Touch14
    12Opponent Collection12
    25Possession Lost25
    2Possession Retained0
    129Rucks Won68
    4Rucks Lost2
    96%Rucks Success Rate97%
    3Mauls Won1
    Set Plays
    16Lineouts Won5
    2Lineouts Lost1
    88%Lineouts Success Rate83%
    5Scrums Won7
    0Scrums Lost1
    100%Scrums Success Rate87%
    56%First Half43%
    71%Second Half28%
    82%Ball Possession Last 10 Mins18%
    4Penalties Conceded9
    0Red Cards0
    0Yellow Cards0
    3Penalty Conceded Own Half6
    NSW Waratahs
    NSW Waratahs
    Queensland Reds
    Queensland Reds
    Paddy Ryan
    1Paddy Ryan
    Alex Hodgman
    1Alex Hodgman
    Jay Fonokalafi
    2Jay Fonokalafi
    Matt Faessler
    2Matt Faessler
    Tom Ross
    3Tom Ross
    Zane Nonggorr
    3Zane Nonggorr
    Jed Holloway
    4Jed Holloway
    Connor Vest
    4Connor Vest
    Miles Amatosero
    5Miles Amatosero
    Seru Uru
    5Seru Uru
    Lachlan Swinton
    6Lachlan Swinton
    Liam Wright
    6Liam Wright (C)
    Charlie Gamble
    7Charlie Gamble
    Fraser McReight
    7Fraser McReight
    Langi Gleeson
    8Langi Gleeson
    Joe Brial
    8Joe Brial
    Jake Gordon
    9Jake Gordon (C)
    Tate McDermott
    9Tate McDermott (C)
    Jack Bowen
    10Jack Bowen
    Lawson Creighton
    10Lawson Creighton
    Dylan Pietsch
    11Dylan Pietsch
    Mac Grealy
    11Mac Grealy
    Lalakai Foketi
    12Lalakai Foketi
    Hunter Paisami
    12Hunter Paisami
    Joey Walton
    13Joey Walton
    Josh Flook
    13Josh Flook
    Triston Reilly
    14Triston Reilly
    Tim Ryan
    14Tim Ryan
    Mark Nawaqanitawase
    15Mark Nawaqanitawase
    Jock Campbell
    15Jock Campbell
    Ben Sugars
    16Ben Sugars
    Josh Nasser
    16Josh Nasser
    Lewis Ponini
    17Lewis Ponini
    Peni Ravai
    17Peni Ravai
    Bradley Amituanai
    18Bradley Amituanai
    Jeff Toomaga-Allen
    18Jeff Toomaga-Allen
    Hugh Sinclair
    19Hugh Sinclair
    Ryan Smith
    19Ryan Smith
    Fergus Lee-Warner
    20Fergus Lee-Warner
    John Bryant
    20John Bryant
    Teddy Wilson
    21Teddy Wilson
    Kalani Thomas
    21Kalani Thomas
    Tane Edmed
    22Tane Edmed
    Tom Lynagh
    22Tom Lynagh
    Izaia Perese
    23Izaia Perese
    Taj Annan
    23Taj Annan
    Dan McKellar
    Les Kiss
    82End Of Second HalfIt's all over! The referee has blown their whistle to end the game.
    80Clean BreakThis is dangerous for the defence as Izaia Perese bursts through to advance the NSW Waratahs attack.
    79Penalty Goal - Missed LeftNSW Waratahs decided to go for goal with Jack Bowen taking the penalty goal but their aim is not up to scratch as the ball slides to the left of the post.
    75Substitution onFergus Lee-Warner comes on.
    75Substitution offLangi Gleeson comes off.
    74Penalty Goal - KickedTom Lynagh has kicked a penalty goal.
    72Substitution onQueensland Reds decide to make a substitution, with Kalani Thomas getting some game time.
    72Substitution offQueensland Reds decide to make a substitution, with Tate McDermott being replaced.
    72Substitution onNSW Waratahs decide to make a substitution, with Ben Sugars getting some game time.
    72Substitution offNSW Waratahs decide to make a substitution, with Jay Fonokalafi being replaced.
    72Conversion - KickedJack Bowen has kicked a conversion.
    70Try - Passing MoveA series of passes by NSW Waratahs results in a try for Dylan Pietsch
    70Try AssistThat's a great try assist by Izaia Perese.
    70Clean BreakA gap opened in the defence and Izaia Perese took full advantage.
    68Clean BreakA gap opened in the defence and Taj Annan took full advantage.
    67Penalty Goal - Hit Right PostThe penalty attempt by Tom Lynagh has rebounded off the right post and back into play.
    64Substitution onQueensland Reds sub John Bryant comes onto the field.
    64Substitution offJoe Brial departs for Queensland Reds.
    64Substitution onQueensland Reds sub Taj Annan comes onto the field.
    64Substitution offMac Grealy departs for Queensland Reds.
    63Conversion - KickedThe NSW Waratahs supporters go wild as Jack Bowen successfully kicks the conversion.
    62Try - From kickThe kick through from NSW Waratahs has allowed Jack Bowen to touch down.
    62Try AssistSpellbinding play by Joey Walton is finished off with a try.
    60Substitution onQueensland Reds sub Jeff Toomaga-Allen comes onto the field.
    60Substitution offZane Nonggorr departs for Queensland Reds.
    58Substitution onLewis Ponini comes on for NSW Waratahs.
    58Substitution offPaddy Ryan leaves the field.
    53Substitution onPeni Ravai comes on.
    53Substitution offAlex Hodgman comes off.
    53Substitution onRyan Smith comes on.
    53Substitution offConnor Vest comes off.
    53Conversion - KickedThe touch judges raise their flags as Jack Bowen kicks the conversion.
    52Try - Close rangeNothing was going to stop Jay Fonokalafi from scoring as they record the try for NSW Waratahs.
    51Substitution onIzaia Perese comes on.
    51Substitution offLalakai Foketi comes off.
    51Substitution onTeddy Wilson comes on.
    51Substitution offJake Gordon comes off.
    50Conversion - Hit Left PostTom Lynagh hits the left post with the conversion, failing to add the two points.
    49Try - Close rangeThe defence are desperately trying to hold out here but it was to no avail as Hunter Paisami dots the ball down from close range.
    49Try AssistTate McDermott sets up the try.
    48Substitution onNSW Waratahs decide to make a substitution, with Hugh Sinclair getting some game time.
    48Substitution offNSW Waratahs decide to make a substitution, with Miles Amatosero being replaced.
    48Substitution onQueensland Reds decide to make a substitution, with Tom Lynagh getting some game time.
    48Substitution offQueensland Reds decide to make a substitution, with Lawson Creighton being replaced.
    47Clean BreakJock Campbell makes the break as the defence re-enacts the parting of the red sea.
    46Conversion - Missed RightJack Bowen has hooked the conversion to the right of the posts.
    45Try - Passing MoveSlick passing by NSW Waratahs leads to a try for Jed Holloway.
    45Clean BreakJed Holloway makes the break as the defence re-enacts the parting of the red sea.
    45Try AssistSpellbinding play by Jack Bowen is finished off with a try.
    40Substitution onQueensland Reds make a substitution with Josh Nasser coming on.
    40Substitution offQueensland Reds make a substitution with Matt Faessler coming off.
    40Start Of Second HalfThe second half kicks off.
    40End Of First HalfThe half-time whistle blows and both teams head for the dressing rooms.
    38Substitution onNSW Waratahs sub Bradley Amituanai comes onto the field.
    38Substitution offTom Ross departs for NSW Waratahs.
    27Clean BreakTrouble here as Langi Gleeson breaches the defence.
    27Clean BreakTrouble here as Lalakai Foketi breaches the defence.
    26Clean BreakTrouble here as Jock Campbell breaches the defence.
    22Conversion - Missed LeftLawson Creighton curls the ball too far, missing the posts to the left.
    20Try - Passing MoveA wonderful passing move by Queensland Reds is finished off by Josh Flook
    20Try AssistThat's a great try assist by Fraser McReight.
    20Clean BreakThis is dangerous for the defence as Jock Campbell bursts through to advance the Queensland Reds attack.
    19Conversion - KickedLawson Creighton converts the try.
    18Try - Close rangeQueensland Reds are stopped just a few metres from the try line but Tate McDermott picks up from the base of the ruck to score the try.
    17Clean BreakThis is dangerous for the defence as Mac Grealy bursts through to advance the Queensland Reds attack.
    10Clean BreakA gap opened in the defence and Jake Gordon took full advantage.
    7Conversion - KickedLawson Creighton has kicked a conversion.
    5Try - Close rangeQueensland Reds are only a few metres out, surely they must score! And they do with Seru Uru touching down.
    5Clean BreakThe defensive line has been broken as Tate McDermott goes through the gap.
    0Start Of First HalfWe are underway as the referee blows their whistle.