Super Rugby Pacific
Western Force vs Fijian Drua

Western Force
Fijian Drua
  • Time Sat, May 11, 2024, 11:55 AM
  • Location HBF Park
  • Referee Angus Mabey
Western Force
Western Force
Fijian Drua
Fijian Drua
  • Donaldson77'
  • Kuenzle71'
  • Faifua67'
  • Wells54'
  • Tizzano13'
  • Tiatia0'
  • Ravutaumada44'
  • Donaldson79'
  • Donaldson72'
  • Donaldson68'
  • Donaldson56'
  • Donaldson15'
  • Donaldson2'
  • Armstrong-Ravula45'
  • Donaldson63'
  • Donaldson19'
Penalty Goals
  • Armstrong-Ravula38'
Western Force
Western Force
Fijian Drua
Fijian Drua
19Defenders Beaten34
10Clean Breaks4
13Turnovers Conceded24
34Missed Tackles19
7Turnovers Won8
29Kicks in Play18
2/2Penalty Goals1/1
N/ADrop GoalsN/A
0Charged Down1
1009Kick From Hand Metres462
8In Touch12
18Opponent Collection10
27Possession Lost24
5Possession Retained0
65Rucks Won98
5Rucks Lost3
92%Rucks Success Rate97%
1Mauls Won0
Set Plays
9Lineouts Won10
0Lineouts Lost3
100%Lineouts Success Rate76%
6Scrums Won8
0Scrums Lost0
100%Scrums Success Rate100%
48%First Half52%
39%Second Half61%
42%Ball Possession Last 10 Mins57%
11Penalties Conceded5
0Red Cards0
1Yellow Cards0
5Penalty Conceded Own Half4
Western Force
Western Force
Fijian Drua
Fijian Drua
Marley Pearce
1Marley Pearce
Haereiti Hetet
1Haereiti Hetet
Tom Horton
2Tom Horton
Tevita Ikanivere
2Tevita Ikanivere
Santiago Medrano
3Santiago Medrano
Mesake Doge
3Mesake Doge
Jeremy Williams
4Jeremy Williams (C)
Mesake Vocevoce
4Mesake Vocevoce
Izack Rodda
5Izack Rodda
Isoa Nasilasila
5Isoa Nasilasila
Will Harris
6Will Harris
Vilive Miramira
6Vilive Miramira
Carlo Tizzano
7Carlo Tizzano
Kitione Salawa
7Kitione Salawa
Reed Prinsep
8Reed Prinsep
Meli Derenalagi
8Meli Derenalagi (C)
Nic White
9Nic White
Peni Matawalu
9Peni Matawalu
Ben Donaldson
10Ben Donaldson
Isaiah Armstrong-Ravula
10Isaiah Armstrong-Ravula
Chase Tiatia
11Chase Tiatia
Taniela Rakuro
11Taniela Rakuro
Hamish Stewart
12Hamish Stewart
Michael Naitokani
12Michael Naitokani
Bayley Kuenzle
13Bayley Kuenzle
Iosefo Masi
13Iosefo Masi
George Poolman
14George Poolman
Selestino Ravutaumada
14Selestino Ravutaumada
Kurtley Beale
15Kurtley Beale
Ilaisa Droasese
15Ilaisa Droasese
Feleti Kaitu'u
16Feleti Kaitu'u
Zuriel Togiatama
16Zuriel Togiatama
Harry Hoopert
17Harry Hoopert
Emosi Tuqiri
17Emosi Tuqiri
Tiaan Tauakipulu
18Tiaan Tauakipulu
Samuela Tawake
18Samuela Tawake
Lopeti Faifua
19Lopeti Faifua
Ratu Rotuisolia
19Ratu Rotuisolia
Michael Wells
20Michael Wells
Motikiai Murray
20Motikiai Murray
Henry Robertson
21Henry Robertson
Simione Kuruvoli
21Simione Kuruvoli
Sam Spink
22Sam Spink
Kemu Valetini
22Kemu Valetini
Henry O'Donnell
23Henry O'Donnell
Epeli Momo
23Epeli Momo
Simon Cron
80End Of Second HalfIt's all over! The referee has blown their whistle to end the game.
79Conversion - KickedBen Donaldson has kicked a conversion.
77Try - Individual effortBen Donaldson goes on their own for a try.
77Clean BreakThis is dangerous for the defence as Ben Donaldson bursts through to advance the Western Force attack.
77Try AssistSpellbinding play by Hamish Stewart is finished off with a try.
75Clean BreakThis is dangerous for the defence as Bayley Kuenzle bursts through to advance the Western Force attack.
73Substitution onWestern Force decide to make a substitution, with Henry O'Donnell getting some game time.
73Substitution offWestern Force decide to make a substitution, with Kurtley Beale being replaced.
72Substitution onWestern Force decide to make a substitution, with Feleti Kaitu'u getting some game time.
72Substitution offWestern Force decide to make a substitution, with Tom Horton being replaced.
72Conversion - KickedBen Donaldson has kicked a conversion.
72Substitution onFijian Drua decide to make a substitution, with Epeli Momo getting some game time.
72Substitution offFijian Drua decide to make a substitution, with Iosefo Masi being replaced.
71Try - Passing MoveA series of passes by Western Force results in a try for Bayley Kuenzle
71Try AssistThat's a great try assist by Tom Horton.
71Clean BreakA gap opened in the defence and Bayley Kuenzle took full advantage.
68Conversion - KickedThe Western Force supporters go wild as Ben Donaldson successfully kicks the conversion.
67Try - Passing MoveA series of passes by Western Force results in a try for Lopeti Faifua
67Try AssistReed Prinsep sets up the try.
67Clean BreakA gap opened in the defence and Reed Prinsep took full advantage.
66Substitution onFijian Drua make a substitution with Emosi Tuqiri coming on.
66Substitution offFijian Drua make a substitution with Haereiti Hetet coming off.
66Substitution onWestern Force make a substitution with Lopeti Faifua coming on.
66Substitution offWestern Force make a substitution with Izack Rodda coming off.
63Substitution onFijian Drua sub Zuriel Togiatama comes onto the field.
63Substitution offTevita Ikanivere departs for Fijian Drua.
63Substitution onFijian Drua sub Ratu Rotuisolia comes onto the field.
63Substitution offMesake Vocevoce departs for Fijian Drua.
63Penalty Goal - KickedThe touch judges raise their flags as Ben Donaldson kicks the penalty goal.
60Substitution onWestern Force sub Sam Spink comes onto the field.
60Substitution offNic White departs for Western Force.
57Clean BreakWhat a run here by Ben Donaldson as they get over the gainline!
56Conversion - KickedThe touch judges raise their flags as Ben Donaldson kicks the conversion.
54Try - Close rangeNothing was going to stop Michael Wells from scoring as they record the try for Western Force.
54Try AssistThat's a great try assist by Jeremy Williams.
54Substitution onSimione Kuruvoli comes on.
54Substitution offPeni Matawalu comes off.
54Substitution onMichael Wells comes on.
54Substitution offWill Harris comes off.
54Substitution onTiaan Tauakipulu comes on.
54Substitution offSantiago Medrano comes off.
54Substitution onHarry Hoopert comes on.
54Substitution offMarley Pearce comes off.
53Substitution onHenry Robertson comes on.
53Substitution offChase Tiatia comes off.
50Yellow cardNic White (Western Force) is shown a yellow card
50Clean BreakWhat a run here by Kemu Valetini as they get over the gainline!
49Clean BreakBayley Kuenzle makes the break as the defence re-enacts the parting of the red sea.
45Conversion - KickedIsaiah Armstrong-Ravula adds the two points for Fijian Drua.
44Try - Passing MoveSlick passing by Fijian Drua leads to a try for Selestino Ravutaumada.
44Clean BreakSelestino Ravutaumada makes the break as the defence re-enacts the parting of the red sea.
44Try AssistSpellbinding play by Iosefo Masi is finished off with a try.
40Clean BreakFabulous play by Fijian Drua has led to Taniela Rakuro being able to wriggle through a gap.
40Substitution onFijian Drua make a substitution with Motikiai Murray coming on.
40Substitution offFijian Drua make a substitution with Meli Derenalagi coming off.
40Start Of Second HalfThe second half kicks off.
41End Of First HalfThe half-time whistle blows and both teams head for the dressing rooms.
39Substitution onFijian Drua sub Samuela Tawake comes onto the field.
39Substitution offMesake Doge departs for Fijian Drua.
38Penalty Goal - KickedIsaiah Armstrong-Ravula has kicked a penalty goal.
29Substitution onKemu Valetini comes on.
29Substitution offMichael Naitokani comes off.
27Clean BreakTrouble here as Bayley Kuenzle breaches the defence.
19Penalty Goal - KickedBen Donaldson does the business as their penalty goal attempt goes over.
15Conversion - KickedBen Donaldson converts the try.
13Try - Close rangeCarlo Tizzano scores the try from close range.
13Clean BreakA gap opened in the defence and Bayley Kuenzle took full advantage.
5Clean BreakThe defensive line has been broken as Tom Horton goes through the gap.
3Clean BreakThe defensive line has been broken as Selestino Ravutaumada goes through the gap.
2Conversion - KickedBen Donaldson has kicked a conversion.
0Try - Passing MoveGreat hands by Western Force leads to a try for Chase Tiatia
0Try AssistJeremy Williams sets up the try.
0Clean BreakThe defensive line has been broken as Jeremy Williams goes through the gap.
0Start Of First HalfWe are underway as the referee blows their whistle.